Friday, October 13, 2017

Ep 39: Smartphone Addiction & The Great Data Challenge Pt 2

On this episode of Awesometown Radio...

Marcell talks about smartphones and smartphone addictions, how people are using them and what are the implications of this addiction.

Also introducing The Great Data Challenge: 5 Awesometown allstars embark on a 7 day challenge to table their smartphones, using their devices only for calling and messaging.  We chat about how we're feeling about our usage and what will come out of this challenge, stick around!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Ep 38: Smartphone Addiction & The Great Data Challenge Pt 1

On this episode of Awesometown Radio...

Marcell talks about smartphones and smartphone addictions, how people are using them and what are the implications of this addiction.

Also introducing The Great Data Challenge: 5 Awesometown allstars embark on a 7 day challenge to table their smartphones, using their devices only for calling and messaging.  We chat about how we're feeling about our usage and what will come out of this challenge, stick around!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Ep 36: Boardgames

On this episode of Awesometown Radio...
Boardgames have come a long way from Snakes and Ladders.  On this episodes Kevin Beliveau joins the show to talk about his love for boardgames, his picks for "beginner games" and what boardgame culture looks like.

Suggestions for Beginner Games:
  • Catan
  • Lords of Waterdeep
  • Power Grid
  • Ticket to Ride
  • Cards Against Humanity
  • Forbidden Desert
  • Sushi Go

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Ep 35: Podcasting

On this episode of Awesometown Radio...

We talk about the Awesometown Radio story and podcasting in general

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Ep 34: Psychology of Collecting

On this episode of Awesometown Radio...

Nikki Godin returns to talk about her love for collecting things. 

From Pokemon cards to POP figures, you name it, she's collecting it.  We talk about what it's like living with a family of collectors and why she does what she does.

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Friday, July 14, 2017

Ep 33: Kombucha

On this episode of Awesometown Radio...

Joel Acton is a firm believer in that trendy drink everyone's getting into: Kombucha.  We discuss how he makes it, the potential health benefits and the fermented food fad.

Some of the stuff from this episode:

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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Ep 32: Audio Production

On this special, extended episode of Awesometown Radio...

I sit down with audio engineer and sound designer Erien Eady-Ward to talk about some of the finer points of the audio production industry, how he got to be an audio engineer and discuss his experiences in the music industry.

Sit tight, this one is going to be awesome!

Some of the stuff from this episode:

Infotech Wizards Video
Erien's Profile Page

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Friday, June 30, 2017

Ep 31: An American in Canada

On this episode of Awesometown Radio...

We celebrate Canada's 150th birthday by talking about some Canadian stuff... With an American.
Joe Sperduto joins us to talk Tim Hortons, Maple Syrup and why he loves this country!

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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Ep 30: Coffee

On this episode of Awesometown Radio...
We came back!

Last you heard from us, we had made the difficult decision to end our little podcast, but after some time and many requests for a comeback, along with the support of the team over at FANtastic Reviews, we've made our comeback!

In this episode we return to the savvy streets of Awesometown in this return episode discussing everyone's favourite caffinated beverage.

Featuring the insights of long time friend of the show Rich Hamilton, we discuss what we like about the titilating nectar, our favourite versions of the drink and even learn a little!

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